Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Tips to develop your communication "The Reality of Achievement"

Have you heard of Blarney Stone a historical and actually part of a Blarney Castle in Ireland which people believed that kissing the stone can grant you the gift of gab. But most of the time fairy tales are lot far from the reality.

There are lots of technique required to be a winner in conversation that anyone, even I, could ever realize. You can go through a gossip room , talk show, college or university classroom discussion session, TV show, public speaking; ordinary conversations; etc and you will find that certain patterns have been used for each type of commutation through the speaker's style and his / her words. It may sound boring, but your brain actually doing the twice the hard work then your mouth so you should give priority to your thought and in this case your closest friend for furbishing your thought is yourself.

1. The beginning always starts from the home and then school environment. In the school we get both education and friend circle which creates an environment that first gives us the idea what the communication platform is all about.

2. When we are on daily practice of communication then our own voice gives us the idea how we are doing and how more is required for our communication for self development practice.

3. Some casual talking might be good and you may skip some mispronounced word but don't make it become a bigger humiliation and rather ask your opponent if he/she know the right words that you want to express.

4. Eye contact is very important for better communication both for self development practice and public-speaking you can check my eBook in the following mentioned link called howtopublicspeaking.

5. I want to end up saying that some jokes and kidding during better communication which you need for better self development practice purpose may help you cool down and forget the fear and tension. You may also give a smile to make a friendly communication with your opponents.

Thursday, June 23, 2016

Smart Ways to Take Control of Self Development

smart ways to take control of self development.

Some smart ways to start taking control of self development (time management, goal setting, record tracking). If you can have control on these elements then who will be your boss. Its so joyful to think that you have freedom and you have the freedom to control yourself in your hand.

First , most of us think that setting a goal may fail and therefore planning is worthless. But its not like that whether it fails or not, it should be done in a formal way , that is , first it should be set as a goal , then it will be set for accomplish as a challenge and at last after a approximately time it will be ready as it would be by the planning team.

This self develop practice can be categorized as positive thinking which allows people to focus on our strengths and goal accomplishments, which increases our joy and motivation. Thus we can be more productive by gaining strength and motivation, and waste less time with thinking about the failing project. There are many many many tips available about smart self development idea , I just mentioning few of them

1. Give a good value to yourself so that you can know what to expect for the real YOU.

2. Thinks what makes you stress free , grate full, happy, productive, and think when a 60 seconds talking is more worthy in a day with a person , if you find that out then boom!!! you are lucky.

3. Look at the result and proof and gain faith and build the base from it and avoid assumption and dreams as already you know what the reality is and you also the result in your hand.

Sunday, June 19, 2016

A preparation to self improvement : 5 questions you should ask to yourself

A preparation to self-improvement : 5 questions you should ask to yourself

I always like to approach things in my own style. Also here I want to make you mark some thing to tick but its not always for army or special task force you can be, I often see myself as somewhat contented with my life the way things are, but of course it's hard to think of anything else when where are real issues to be discussed.

Still I feel something that a baby inside us that has a curious mind to know everything around us and that is the gift we got for learning and improving our knowledge. And it is the time to increase the level of that knowledge by improving our skill.

5 easy and common question to improve your skill.

1. What do I want most?
what do you want most means If you can identify what does matter to you most then you will get the pleasure out of your life. Try to maintain everything and care more to the thing you want most.

2. Do you really have to change?
New generation and community have different reflection, you may have grown in a different circle , if you are far away from your circle then do you need to change yourself to catch up the new generation for a while, or you can teach them where you have come from ?

3. What's the bright side in all of this?
When everything do not generate any result for you then sometime you get upset , but have you ever though of doing your job consequently without thinking the outcome but the bright side of all work of you did once for all.

4. Have I done enough for myself?
This is a very crucial question of everyone's life that if they have done enough for their self as they did for their job. It is very funny but true that we like to keep our prestige in the society or in the job field but skip in the time of our own matters.

5. Am I happy at where I am today?
In every stage of your life you get changed , just ask and find out that if you are happy to grow and getting that title such as son , daughter, husband , wife , mom , dad etc.

Monday, June 13, 2016

Reading quotes can improve yourself "best 501 quotes"

Reading quotes can improve yourself "best 501 quotes"

I have been said already that by reading new books and by acquiring knowledge you can improve your present condition. But what kind of books
are suitable , horror , fictions , romance , novels.

Well they are brain storming and brain functional and to develop yourself I recommend "QUOTES"
yeah , they are not story but peace of words from the spiritual books and novels that can give you strength. Don't get me wrong I can not solve everything here , I wrote this because I came through this and I have a quote to sell where 501 best quotes are available and also in terms of discussion have to suggest you that you read the story of the greatest heroes , philosophers , and prophets. I know not all heroes are not famous by their religion but by their invention but they are obviously follower of one religion.

Now where am I and are ready to relax a bit and start reading 501 best quotes or best stories of the greatest persons of the earth. If you are ready then there are many books available of amazon where you can order a printed book or download as a pdf format to read on your computer.

Want to relax with a little cup of coffee or probably bottle of beer or any other booze you can get your hands on after a hard day's work.  Okay, yes I'm guilty about that  as well, before I'm caught dead wearing a hood over my head after a few bottles of vodka… half-naked! Okay, bad example and I apologize to everyone whoever read this after getting nightmares about me in that state of drunken stupor.

Just don't ask how it happened, please.

I am not going to approach and continue like that said above, I want to be honest and I want to give you some of my researched knowledge and experience , you can read or left my page anytime, but I will keep writing on my blog. Today I shall give a gift that 501 best quotes all time for readers who want to read in aim to develop their personality and confidence level and motivation level Click and Your Download will begin after skipping an ad after 5 seconds thanks for your support.

The amazon book has a price by the sellers of-course and they have  value and quality it self I must agree with that. However it will depend your level of expectation of self development that how bad you need that. I  you are so serious then you may spend few bulks and yet get the world famous quote and inspirational life history of mother Teresa ready to read as a soft copy or hard binding book. Mother Teresa the world famous character next to other historical person and noble prize owner must give you some knowledge for sure.
So what sounds good to you ? Is it.. waiting 5 second for 501 free quote and spending few bulks to find out inspirational story and quotes from the life of mother Teresa what sounds good to you? Or by the time while I wrote these article for you and you are still reading it then what you have learned from it. Are you feeling like you will be reading my other articles, or find other blogs relating self development practice by yourself, or find quotes for your motivation. 

Or you get inspired to share my article or leave a comment?
What ever you afford to do But I would thank you that you could afford some time to read my blog and my article. thanks very very much.

Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Why self development have chosen ? Why we need to care this ?

Why I like to write and share my thoughts and knowledge about self development have many reasons. And you will find many articles and writings of mine about that which I hope now.

But before jumping in to that matter lets figure out some thing about the main stream of this blog which is nothing but SELF DEVELOPMENT PRACTICE.

Now lets discover with our interest that what actually self development is all about?

Well in short and easy sense self development is something which you need to be upgraded from your present states. that means a better position for yourself that are you passing by now.

People always like to have a better life style , and you may not beat other person so easily but you can improve your present skill and talent and that you deserve as a person as an achiever isn't it?

May be you can not be a musician , or athletes, players , actors , doctors , scientist , lawyers , but you can be a better person that are you now and that can be done by reading habits and reading inspired story and spiritual story. That is why I created this blog to collect some story when I have time to share with you.

Thanks very much, Grazie Mille.