Have you heard of Blarney Stone a historical and actually part of a Blarney Castle in Ireland which people believed that kissing the stone can grant you the gift of gab. But most of the time fairy tales are lot far from the reality.
There are lots of technique required to be a winner in conversation that anyone, even I, could ever realize. You can go through a gossip room , talk show, college or university classroom discussion session, TV show, public speaking; ordinary conversations; etc and you will find that certain patterns have been used for each type of commutation through the speaker's style and his / her words. It may sound boring, but your brain actually doing the twice the hard work then your mouth so you should give priority to your thought and in this case your closest friend for furbishing your thought is yourself.
1. The beginning always starts from the home and then school environment. In the school we get both education and friend circle which creates an environment that first gives us the idea what the communication platform is all about.
2. When we are on daily practice of communication then our own voice gives us the idea how we are doing and how more is required for our communication for self development practice.
3. Some casual talking might be good and you may skip some mispronounced word but don't make it become a bigger humiliation and rather ask your opponent if he/she know the right words that you want to express.
4. Eye contact is very important for better communication both for self development practice and public-speaking you can check my eBook in the following mentioned link called howtopublicspeaking.
5. I want to end up saying that some jokes and kidding during better communication which you need for better self development practice purpose may help you cool down and forget the fear and tension. You may also give a smile to make a friendly communication with your opponents.
There are lots of technique required to be a winner in conversation that anyone, even I, could ever realize. You can go through a gossip room , talk show, college or university classroom discussion session, TV show, public speaking; ordinary conversations; etc and you will find that certain patterns have been used for each type of commutation through the speaker's style and his / her words. It may sound boring, but your brain actually doing the twice the hard work then your mouth so you should give priority to your thought and in this case your closest friend for furbishing your thought is yourself.
1. The beginning always starts from the home and then school environment. In the school we get both education and friend circle which creates an environment that first gives us the idea what the communication platform is all about.
2. When we are on daily practice of communication then our own voice gives us the idea how we are doing and how more is required for our communication for self development practice.
3. Some casual talking might be good and you may skip some mispronounced word but don't make it become a bigger humiliation and rather ask your opponent if he/she know the right words that you want to express.
4. Eye contact is very important for better communication both for self development practice and public-speaking you can check my eBook in the following mentioned link called howtopublicspeaking.
5. I want to end up saying that some jokes and kidding during better communication which you need for better self development practice purpose may help you cool down and forget the fear and tension. You may also give a smile to make a friendly communication with your opponents.